Time to Embrace Your Natural Beauty


We are living in strange and unprecedented times, and as such many women will be unable to get their regular beauty treatments that they rely on to feel their best. Don’t worry, though - there are still many natural beauty tricks you can rely on right now, at home!

1. Go makeup free- Many women haven't gone a day without putting on makeup. Embrace your natural beauty and give your skin a break - it will thank you!

Apply your favorite Medusa Cosmetics moisturizer (Ultimate Glow or Elixir) morning and night. As a layer, you can also apply the Hydro Glow Tinted Moisturizer.

2. Body Detox- Help facilitate your body's natural ability to detox itself, especially if you normally use toxic hair dyes, fillers, neurotoxins, and other common toxic beauty practices.

Add dry brushing (before showering) to your daily routine. Add a few drops of our Super Vitamin C Serum to help increase circulation and the removal of toxins. Also, add body scrubbing (in the shower) with our Super Microdermabrasion Scrub!

3. Nails- Remove all acrylics, gels and polish and let your nails rest. You may be surprised at how fast they naturally grow when you let them be.

You can naturally whiten them by brushing them with some whitening toothpaste, baking soda and lemon, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda - or you can soak them in commercial denture cleaner. Finish with applying the Ultimate Glow oil on the beds of your nails and push the cuticles back. Allow the oil to soothe and replenish your hands from overwashing.

4. Get your daily sun- Bathing in the sun is vital for optimal health. The key is to not burn but go toxic sunscreen free, ideally no sunscreen at all. We recommend starting slow and slowly building up your tolerance.

Start with 5 minutes per day and build up to 20 minutes. The darker your skin is naturally, the more time you could and should spend in the sun. Our mitochondria (the power producers of our cells) gets 2/3 of their energy from the sun! Daily sunbathing will also help increase your Vitamin D intake, which plays a huge role in keeping our immune system strong and your glow real.

5. Have a spa day at home- Set the mood with candles, essential oils, and a spa playlist on Spotify. We love adding eucalyptus and lavender to the corners of our shower floor to create a relaxing, cleansing steam when we’re showering.

April Malmsteen